
Friday, March 12, 2010

The Perfect Fit

Despite being held hostage in my own country, I am still working towards one of my goal's on my To-do list, run a 5k and win. The to-do list is mostly projects for our home in CA. (The complete list can be found under the page While the Cat's Away)
While I've always enjoyed running, my feet don't seem to find it as exhilerating. Sometimes after a run I'll find that my toes are bleeding, or that I have bad callouses. Hence my quest to find the perfect running shoe.

In the past few years I have been sold into the Nike revolution and limit my athletic shoe shopping to only that of the best, Nike.  While I know this is close minded and something like a brand addiction, I simply like their shoes. That, and I'm also a fan of the Nike + iPod running kit. But I believe the time has come to abandon my brand loyalty and simply look for the best running shoe for my feet. That doesn't necessarily mean I won't look at Nike's, but I am willing to broaden my horizons.

So what makes a good shoe? Comfort? Support? Weight? Cushioning?
Or is it whatever feels the most natural and/or most like our barefeet?

Could these new Vibram Five Fingers be the new, best thing to hit the running world?
Their customers seem to think so. Many claim they are more connected to the earth, and feel a sense of freedom that comes with frolicking barefoot.

I highly doubt I'll be trying these, but my hunt continues....

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