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Saturday, October 20, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Amazing Couple
I love, LOVE, LOVE that a fellow military couple won this year's Amazing Race!!
To be honest, I don't really watch that much TV, but every now and then when we're flipping through the channels, we stop and watch the reality show. I thought it was pretty cool that a military couple was on it, not to mention the few episodes I caught I could easily relate to them - How the husband sometimes spoke to her like one of his soldiers, or how each task at hand was a mission to complete (which in the tv show's case it was, so that comparison didn't work to well.....but if you're a military spouse you know what I mean).
Anyways, what I didn't realize was they entered into the show shortly after a deployment, and if you've been through a deployment, you know the last thing you'd want to do is have your every 'reintergrating' move recorded and televised. I know when the Mr. came back to me after a deployment, commuincation was a bit difficult and stressed, which is normal, but there is no way I could have done it all with a million viewers watching!!! OR maybe I could have........hhmmm, a million dollars is quite a motivator.
I think the author of this article is on point when describing what a challenge it would have been.
Congrats to them!
To be honest, I don't really watch that much TV, but every now and then when we're flipping through the channels, we stop and watch the reality show. I thought it was pretty cool that a military couple was on it, not to mention the few episodes I caught I could easily relate to them - How the husband sometimes spoke to her like one of his soldiers, or how each task at hand was a mission to complete (which in the tv show's case it was, so that comparison didn't work to well.....but if you're a military spouse you know what I mean).
Anyways, what I didn't realize was they entered into the show shortly after a deployment, and if you've been through a deployment, you know the last thing you'd want to do is have your every 'reintergrating' move recorded and televised. I know when the Mr. came back to me after a deployment, commuincation was a bit difficult and stressed, which is normal, but there is no way I could have done it all with a million viewers watching!!! OR maybe I could have........hhmmm, a million dollars is quite a motivator.
I think the author of this article is on point when describing what a challenge it would have been.

Congrats to them!
Mother's Day Crafting
So Mother's Day has snuck up on me yet again! One day, I swear, I will have completed Mother's Day gifts AND have them sent off in day....
But until that day arrives, I'll show you what I've created for this year.
I saw this on Pinterest...
And thought it was such a cute idea, especially with me being due to give birth any minute now, it just seemed like a great gift idea for Mother's Day. BUT, seeing how we're in Germany and we no longer have a garage for me to do wood projects in, I wanted to simplify it a bit, and also make it a bit smaller so it could be mailed to my Mom and MIL.
So instead of wood, I went to Bauhaus (which is the German Home Depot) and bought 2 plain white tiles, which were a total of 0.32 Euro, which I'm guessing is about 20 cents. So cheap, right!?
Next I copied the quote/ saying into Word, printed it onto cardstock in the size I wanted (I printed it on white cardstock and a yellow cardstock)...
I painted the back and sides of the tile black. I salvaged the back of an old picture frame to use. Pulled out the good 'ol Mod Podge and got to work.
After one failed attemp (the mod podge cause the paper to bubble up), I found the best thing to do is paint a light layer, as evenly as possible on the back of the cardstock and press it firmly down all over to keep it from bubbling. I did this until I could tell it was drying some, and staying flat.
Next I applied Mod Podge over the cardstock and the tile for a clean finish.
Once that was dry, I glued the back of the picture frame to the back of the tile so it could stand on it's own (or be hung up since there were little circle thingys on it that allow that).
But until that day arrives, I'll show you what I've created for this year.
I saw this on Pinterest...
So instead of wood, I went to Bauhaus (which is the German Home Depot) and bought 2 plain white tiles, which were a total of 0.32 Euro, which I'm guessing is about 20 cents. So cheap, right!?
Next I copied the quote/ saying into Word, printed it onto cardstock in the size I wanted (I printed it on white cardstock and a yellow cardstock)...
I painted the back and sides of the tile black. I salvaged the back of an old picture frame to use. Pulled out the good 'ol Mod Podge and got to work.
After one failed attemp (the mod podge cause the paper to bubble up), I found the best thing to do is paint a light layer, as evenly as possible on the back of the cardstock and press it firmly down all over to keep it from bubbling. I did this until I could tell it was drying some, and staying flat.
Next I applied Mod Podge over the cardstock and the tile for a clean finish.
Once that was dry, I glued the back of the picture frame to the back of the tile so it could stand on it's own (or be hung up since there were little circle thingys on it that allow that).
And tada! My finished product:
Not too shabby, eh?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Some news...
It seems like all my posts are catch-up posts. I've become quite the procrastinator and just plain busy with everyday life. BUT, I'd reeeeally like to try to get back into blogging after this long hiatus. So, instead of filling in the gaps, I'll just proceed to what's going on these days.
Well for starters, I'm pregnant! And VERY pregnant at that. I'm due in 2 weeks. lol.
So basically since my last post, the Mr. and I have been either prepping or having a panic attack over this surprise.
This past weekend a good friend of mine here in Germany held a baby shower for me. It was small, yet intimate and held at a British Tea House in Mannheim. It was a lot of fun. The tea was delicious along with the lunch, and so great to see the other coaches I had been coaching with earlier in the year, befroe the end of the swim season.
Here is a shot of us all:
Well for starters, I'm pregnant! And VERY pregnant at that. I'm due in 2 weeks. lol.
So basically since my last post, the Mr. and I have been either prepping or having a panic attack over this surprise.
This past weekend a good friend of mine here in Germany held a baby shower for me. It was small, yet intimate and held at a British Tea House in Mannheim. It was a lot of fun. The tea was delicious along with the lunch, and so great to see the other coaches I had been coaching with earlier in the year, befroe the end of the swim season.
Here is a shot of us all:
I'm holding up a baby picture of myself that was a prize for one of the games. I didn't win it, but just thought it was funny that it was a prize.
Along with this real live baby shower, my cousin N has prepared a "mail-in" shower that gives everyone that isn't in Germany, a chance be part of a baby shower for me. The idea is everyone sends out a gift by a certain date, and I won't open them until a set date. She has also sent me decorations and such, so it's a bit festive when I open the gifts. I'd be opening them via Skype or possibly just recording the whole thing and uploading the video, that way everyone is a aprt of it all at once. That being said, Mr. White and I cannot even begin to express how blessed we are with such wonderful family and friends. We have received more than we ever thought imginable!! Little M, that's still cooking in my belly, is aleady spoiled beyond belief! =)
Things to look forward to this week: Installing Baby M's car seat, meeting with my Doula, and quite a bit of crafting!! I may even put up a craft tutorial if I'm feeling up to it :)
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