Sooooo.... the hubs was home for R&R a few weeks ago :)
And for the most part we just enjoyed hanging out at home with each other and the dogs. I wasn't sure if Vegas (our 2yr old Boston Terrorist) was going to remember him or not, so when we walked up to the door, and Vegas saw him and started barking like crazy, I was kinda bummed realizing he didn't remember him. But then hubs said "Vegas, it's me, come here..." and Vegas started running full speed and jumping all over him, he also peed more than I've ever seen him pee before. He remember him. lol.
Cali, our pup loved him! Which I was VERY happy about b/c I've heard female dogs are a bit more aggressive than male dogs, and this was going to the first male in the house since he left.
Anyways, we did make a trip off post to L.A. for a weekend, which was much needed as he was coming from one desert to another. We started the trip off with a little whale watching. So cool, right!? But wait, it gets even cooler! So we get there a little early and walk around the harbor, where they had beautiful green grass everywhere!! Which might not be as exciting to you as it was to us. He's overseas in a desert all day, and I'm here in the Mojave desert......we haven't seen grass in a long time!!
Moving along....after a little walking around it was time to board the boat. So we get on and we set off looking for whales. We probably were out about 30mins away when we spotted our first whale. *Side note: along with the passengers, there is the captain and someone from the aquarium telling us about whales and ocean life* As we are approaching the whale all of a sudden you hear from the aquarium dude "ohmygosh, she's giving birth!!!" So of course EVERYONE stands up and runs over to see. Well by the time we were up close she had given birth to a baby whale!! Then, the aquarium guy explained to us that when a calf is born it doesn't fully know how to swim and what to do, so the mother whale spends the first hour or so pushing the baby tot he surface and forcing him into the motion of what he's suppose to do. And we got to witness all of this!! So we watched as the baby would surface, and then the mother, over and over. It was amazing!!! Also, because we were so close to them, you can imagine how much the ship would rock. It was sooooo hard to try and get a pic all while trying to hold on to keep your balance. They are hard to see, but here are some shots:

Us :)
Here's a shot of the baby and it's mother =) I know it's kinda far.....
Some sea-lions we saw on the way back.
After the whale watching we went to a Japanese steakhouse. It was my first time going to one and we just happened to get a table/ show to our selves :)
The next day, we went to the Laker's game!!! The hubs is a huge Kobe fan, so we went ahead and splurged and got wicked seats to see them play the Celtics. We went early and got to watch them warm-up.
check out Shaq!
The game was a close one, but the Laker's lost :(
For the rest of R&R we pretty much just chilled, had a few dinner and a movie nights, but just enjoyed each others company for the rest of the time.
Here's a shot of a couple of models I cam across:
And until we meet again :(